Thursday, November 6, 2014

On Pain

We can't know where our pain is from
We don't know all that we've done
Perhaps it is best that we don't
Nevertheless we suffer from it


(from Sexual Urgency, What a Woman Laughter can do, and the Nature of True Virility)

I knew you were trouble

Friday, October 24, 2014

On Chick Lit and Dude Lit and Great Lit

Chick lit is girl talk.  Like any girl talk, it can be many things, smart, silly, or annoying.

Dude lit is men talk. And just like girl talk, it can be clever, dull, or irritating.

Great lit is soul talk.

On Love Licks

Yesterday I finally discovered John Updike! What a masterclass of writing.
It was love at first page.
Strangely, his heroes (in Love Licks) are cruising above any deep, ravishing feelings or are just routinely burying them, yet at the end there's a powerful emotional impact resulted from a slow accumulation of things hinted and left unsaid.
Genius! Too bad he didn't win the Nobel Prize!