Sunday, April 21, 2013

The List of Shame

The list of senators who voted against the gun control checks supported by 90% of Americans:

Why Amazon bought Goodreads

Interesting article in The Atlantic:

I love both Amazon and GoodReads but I have mixed feelings about all this online media consolidation...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jennifer Weiner is a kindred spirit

Just read JW's blog entry, and I think it's worth a heads up:

"Last month, the third annual VIDA count of how often major publications review work by women or publish reviews by women came out.

The results were predictably dismal. With a few exceptions, not only have things not gotten significantly better since Vida started counting, they’ve actually gotten worse. Which begs the question – when “raising awareness” (or “public shaming”) aren’t getting the job done, when the editors who once responded to the tallies with concern now greet the count with silence, and the male writers who continue to be well-served by the status quo come back with charges that
best-selling women aren't allowed to point out that there's a problem, or the bizarre insistence that they're the ones with the real complaints, what can readers and writers do to urge their favorite publications to do better..."

More on this topic on her blog:

I have the same pastel colored covers in Romania, and the only collections where I can publish are packaged in a way that dumbs down the content, to a point that even clerks in the books stores are embarrassed to sell and display them. In the same time, male writers have stronger, darker colors and different, more prestigious collections, get more respect and more reviews, even if they sell dismal amounts of books, and the readers struggle to finish their novels. This is why I chose to be an independent in the US and make my own rules

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My top 3 entertainment shows

I don't watch much TV, but here there are my top 3 entertainment shows:

1. AMERICAN IDOL - Stellar Angie Miller this season!
2. THE BIG BANG THEORY -  Stellar writing!
3. X FACTOR - Stellar Simon Cowell!

Angie Miller is amazing and has the whole package, and regardless if she wins the show, she'll be best  singer coming out from Idol since Adam Lambert.